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/ Ultimate Add-On's (Tournament Edition) / Cybercore Publishing - Ultimate Add-on's Tournament Edition.iso / d / zorf1-5.wad / 011.LINEDEFS < prev    next >
Unknown  |  1995-02-14  |  8KB

This file was not able to be converted.

Program Identifications
ConfidenceProgramIdentificationMatch Type
100% file Windows boot log, version 3, header size 0x4, 0x201e3 valid bytes; entry size 0x20001, 0x4 seconds, not null 65536, GUID 0xe3010200c8010400000000000200e201, severity 0x4, version 196608, event 0x1e1 default
99% file data default
50% TrID XBase DataBase (generic) default
50% TrID Z-Code V3 adventure for Infocom Z-Machine default